
Shed Plays Role in Saving Lives

Here’s a great story about a shed serving as an intermediate care unit for homeless in Clapham, London. It was setup by nurse practitioner Samantha Dorney-Smith. The services they are providing are already saving lives and reducing emergency calls and hospitalizations. Shed Saves Lives

Old English Ruins

One of my regular readers ran across this fantastic photo album of old English ruins. Many of the photos are of very large structures but tucked here and there are some incredible tiny huts and cottages. Thanks again Dav! Old English Ruins

Jay’s Tiny House – Restart

Justin Peer began building his tiny house last spring/summer. But he ran into trouble with the used trailer he was using which caused him to put his project on hold. No after a break Justin is preparing to jump back in and start again with a longer custom built trailer. Jay’s Tiny House Update

sipsFORM Sustainable Buildings

There are some easy to build, sustainable, and small structures coming out of the UK. They are built from structural insulated panels and you can see several of their designs on the sipsFORM website. sipsFORM Sustainable Buildings

Nick Weston’s Treehouse

This is Nick Weston’s home in West Sussex. It’s an experiment in sustainable living, a cozy tree house, and the simple life of a modern hunter-gatherer. Read about Nick’s adventures on his blog at Nick Weston’s Treehouse

Shepherd’s Hut

I really like the classic style of these Shepherd huts. They are available in the UK from Artisan Shepherd Huts. While they tend to be a bit on the expensive side their quality it really top notch and would make a great home office. Shepherd Huts